Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy Creek HPY.v Wow factor

It seems to me that people are not getting this. A virgin tungsten deposit of this size and grade in Canada is awesome. The increase in grade is spectacular and approaching world class status.  If you think this is small you don't understand tungsten. This is big. There are only 3 companies worth looking at. 1 is Happy the other is Blackheath, covered on this blog. WOF.V is a producer but has a lot of shares and has to pay for the money.

In terms of getting to market fast, BHR has a lead. In terms of purity HPY is virgin ground.

After examining the new data I conclude that HPY will hit more and is trending into better values. I'm using a tighter constraint on the drilling since it's new but these results are proving my assumptions to be correct.
(I think they are going to hit some anomalously high grades of notable size. The tungsten had to come from somewhere)

Worth repeating:

Happy Creek drills 20.0 metres of 0.63% W03 near surface at Fox tungsten property
(via Thenewswire.ca)
November 1, 2012 -- Vancouver, British Columbia -- Happy Creek Minerals Ltd. (TSX-V:HPY, the "Company") is pleased to announce additional drill results from its 100% owned, 162 square kilometre Fox tungsten-molybdenum property. The Fox property is located approximately 75 kilometres northeast of 100 Mile House British Columbia (B.C.) Canada.

New results from the RC prospect include vertical hole F12-17 containing 20.0 metres of 0.63% W03 starting at 20.0 metres depth. This includes 6.0 metres grading 1.51% W03 and a one metre interval contains 4.54% W03, 1.05% zinc, 7.1 g/t indium and 0.12 g/t gold. The true thickness is estimated to be 90% of the interval thickness.

David Blann, President and Chief Executive Officer of Happy Creek states: "We have now clearly established the presence of a new tungsten deposit containing high grades that are well within conceptual open pit mining parameters. F12-17 has expanded the RC prospect with top-tier tungsten grades that remain open in extent. In addition, the RC prospect is only part of a three kilometre long target thought to have large resource potential. The Fox property is a special opportunity for shareholders to participate in a significant new tungsten discovery."

At the Ridley Creek area, four prospects named the 708, BN, RC and BK span a northerly trending distance of approximately 3.0 kilometres. In 2010 and 2011, trenching returned 1.0 metre of 2.38% W03 (tungsten trioxide), 0.40 metres of 11.10% W03, 7.0 metres of 0.80% W03, and 4.6 metres of 0.85% W03 at each prospect, respectively. In 2011, the first ever drilling at the RC prospect returned very positive results. On September 18, October 3 and 17, 2012, the Company announced additional results. A summary of all the final drill results for the RC prospect to date are presented in the table below.

Summary of RC zone final drill results to date
 |        |From|To   |Interval|W03 |W03     |
 |Hole    |(m) |(m)  |(m)     |%   |kg/tonne|
 |F11-02  |5.7 |10.85|5.15    |0.91|9.1     |
 |F11-07  |14.3|19.0 |4.7     |1.02|10.0    |
 |F11-08  |8.25|20.65|12.4    |0.74|12.2    |
 |F12-01  |14.0|32.4 |19.4    |0.82|8.2     |
 |includes|22.0|32.4 |9.8     |1.43|14.3    |
 |F12-02  |13.0|25.0 |12.0    |0.21|2.1     |
 |F12-07  |13.0|16.0 |3.0     |1.18|11.8    |
 |F12-09  |15.0|26.0 |11.0    |0.80|8.0     |
 |includes|22.0|26.0 |4.0     |2.12|21.2    |
 |F12-10  |17.0|19.0 |2.0     |1.12|11.2    |
 |F12-11  |27.0|41.0 |14.0    |0.68|6.8     |
 |includes|28.3|31.6 |3.3     |2.71|27.1    |
 |F12-13  |19.0|22.4 |3.4     |0.64|6.4     |
 |F12-17  |20.0|40.0 |20.0    |0.63|6.3     |
 |includes|34.0|40.0 |6.0     |1.51|15.1    |
F12-17 is located approximately 25 metres southwest of F12-0

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