Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Copper Fox Metals Trading

After a brief run up surprise surprise. Anon does their thing and sells 100 shares to flatten the price for the day. We've watched this activity for months now and the share holders are getting really fed up with these antics. But, times are changing. The volume is increasing and anon will run out of shares and complaints are being filed with securities. Eventually they will get enough complaints and they will have to look into it. In the meantime, the volume is going up and there is a trend to higher levels.

The reason for the increased activity is that we are heading to the checkered flag and some people know it. Exactly when that is is hard to guess. How long will the BFS get batted back and forth with Teck? Since Teck already has all the data they must have their own set of numbers and they would want the BFS to agree closer with their numbers. We've been told how robust our numbers will be and this could be one reason Teck is working this over so hard.

With all the brain power we put on it I don't think our numbers can be challenged for long. Time is ticking.

Abuse of the Anonymous Privilege

posted on Nov 27, 12 03:52PM Use the IP Check tool [?]
National Bank Financial Inc.

5th Floor
1155 Metcalfe Street
Montreal, QC
H3B 4S9
(514) 879-2222
Instinet Canada Limited

Canadian Pacific Tower,
100 Wellington Street West,
TD Centre,
Suite 2202,
PO Box 134
Toronto, ON
M5K 1H1
(416) 368-2211


  1. Hey Webgogs, question on the discovery zone: What is this zone worth with current drill results announced?
    People keep talking about Schaft Creek, but if a total buyout occurs, would we obtain total value from our discovery zone? You would think this would add value to the final buyout price. No one seems to be adding this to the calculations.
    Would you guess on to what value and metal resource we hit in the discovery zone, I am no geologist. I greatly value your input on these matters, thank you in advance.

  2. With the elevations taken into account I estimated about $200 million for us. If they account for the full work we might get $250M.
