Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Interesting times Apple and High Finance

First we hear that a number of companies were complicit in aiding government eaves dropping. They provided doorways into your computers and hand held devices. Now Apple comes out and admits they too left a hole directly into your information. Of course they decline to comment except to say they are investigating. Bunk I say. The spying was so intense it slowed the entire internet down. It was the "Big Haul".

The spy world knows it has to go into deep undercover since the lid got blown off their illegal activities. So they conspired with companies to mine your information in a big way just incase they got shut down, like that will ever happen. It was the largest theft of private information in human history and very few are making the connection.

Next, we begin to hear of a raft of apparent suicides at high level institutions. Like the raft of scientists in the 80's who worked on UFO technologies who all tied ropes around their necks (20 of them) and jumped off buildings, out windows and drove off at high speed in a car, these. Sure looks like the government is cleaning up loose ends. These deaths are not revenge they are aimed at concealing the truth from ever coming out.

So why are these two items related? If really big trouble is coming the government wants to know who if any of us will be potential activists. 2015 is the year of reckoning. I expect the landscape to look a lot different after this. Our governments are preparing for a major upheaval and they don't want you to know about it.

Which brings the total number of recent banker deaths to 9 (via Intellihub):
1 – William Broeksmit, 58-year-old former senior executive at Deutsche Bank AG, was found dead in his home after an apparent suicide in South Kensington in central London, on January 26th.
2- Karl Slym, 51 year old Tata Motors managing director Karl Slym, was found dead on the fourth floor of the Shangri-La hotel in Bangkok on January 27th.
3 – Gabriel Magee, a 39-year-old JP Morgan employee, died after falling from the roof of the JP Morgan European headquarters in London on January 27th.
4 – Mike Dueker, 50-year-old chief economist of a US investment bank was found dead close to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington State.
5 – Richard Talley, the 57 year old founder of American Title Services in Centennial, Colorado, was found dead earlier this month after apparently shooting himself with a nail gun.
6 -Tim Dickenson, a U.K.-based communications director at Swiss Re AG, also died last month, however the circumstances surrounding his death are still unknown.
7 – Ryan Henry Crane, a 37 year old executive at JP Morgan died in an alleged suicide just a few weeks ago.  No details have been released about his death aside from this small obituary announcement at the Stamford Daily Voice.
8 - Li Junjie, 33-year-old banker in Hong Kong jumped from the JP Morgan HQ in Hong Kong this week.
If you're not seeing this for what it is you are going to get blind sided. There's speculation in blogger world that these guys new too much. Lol is snort. Sure they did, they were all part of it. Now chase down who they rubbed shoulders with! None of this in the bast 6 years has been the invisible hand of the market. Nor is it normal due to the nature of the stressful work.

What they knew is who was behind it and most important of all WHY it was done. We must ask ourselves why was it sooo important to fleece every dime out of the system possible. Why not continue the under the radar manipulations and thefts? Why all of a sudden grab and run? What do they know that the public doesn't?

I've said this before. We are heading into unprecedented natural disasters augmented by HAARP and all the other evils like fracking. Now consider some of the unanswered questions vexing geologists and archaeologist today. How did a salt water fishing dock end up miles up a mountain?

"Lying close to Lake Titicaca, these ruins lie at approximately 13,000 feet above sea level. It appears certain that it was once a seaport. It still has the ruins of extensive docks lying on an earlier shoreline. In Tiwanaku's heyday, one of these docks could have accommodated hundreds of sea-going vessels!http://viewzone.com/tiwan.html
 Could it be:
 http://www.skrause.org/writing/papers/hapgood_and_ecd.shtml ?

Yes, it is entirely possible. Until some scientists show me how all this happened I'm erring on the side of caution. We don't know the severity of what might come but we sure know something is up. I doubt anybody can say exactly what's going to happen but there seems to be a lot of preparation going on. So I wonder, what if nothing happens at all? In that case you wouldn't want people running around with info that could expose your thefts no would you?

Interesting times indeed.

The salient proof, and one wholly relevant in present review, that Tiahuanaco possessed a waterfront rests upon discernible traces of alkaline incrustations on the sides of the huge stone
blocks forming a part of the above—described mole, harbor—basin, or canal wall.
The line of these incrustations corresponds closely with that of the strand—line on the slopes of the surrounding mountains, about which Bellamy wrote:
It was carefully surveyed for a length of about 375 miles. And then it was established that it is not “straight.” It was found that the Inter—Andean Sea. .
. . was not merely a Lake Titicaca of higher level extending far to the south, but that its level showed a slant of a most peculiar character in relation to the present ocean— level, or, which amounts to the same, relative to the present level of Lake Titicaca.
The level of the Inter—Andean Sea revealed by the ancient…. strand—line was higher to the north of Tiahuanaco and lower to the south. The actuality of this peculiarity cannot be doubted, for it was established independently by different persons at different times, using different methods of surveying.

Schaft Creek - Teck

In answer to my recent inquiry:
  1. Detailed engineering – This stage includes completion of detailed designs based on the project scope and concept designs approved in the feasibility study, and the issuing of “for construction” designs, provision of construction and equipment specifications, scope of work packages for contract documents, definition of and procedures for construction quality control, etc. The purchase of key plant equipment often occurs prior to or in parallel with this stage of design, as vendor drawings for equipment are required in order to complete the detailed engineering designs.

So it appears there's no truth to the rumor they are doing "Limited" engineering studies. I'm waiting to hear from the horses mouth that the full program is being done.

Given the stage the enviro is at the focus should be on improving the design prior to making the decision to go whole hog on "for construction" designs. As far as I know, there is not enough info to make the decision yet. Last I heard on that subject was the geo tech was promising.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

HPY.v 10cents that could make you rich

People are still asking me why Happy Creek? I have to ask you when was the last time you saw tungsten grades near surface like this? Anywhere!
Highlights of new drill results

Drill holeFrom
Interval Length
W03 (%) tungsten trioxideKg of W03
per tonne

Review their results for the previous holes and you'll be amazed at the potential tonnage. They have tungsten practically sticking out of the ground. IRR anyone?

In recent developments HPY just hired a match maker. David Blann doesn't plan to give it away. If this round of match making fails so be it. There will always be another party who desperately needs the ore. I hope some billionaire reads this and realizes that a fair offer would make everyone a whole lot of money.

10 cents? Really! Let's hope it goes to 5 cents. I suspect that might not happen but we can hope.

David Blann, President and CEO of Happy Creek states: "Drilling continues to produce excellent tungsten grades and the RC zone is open for further expansion. New results from the RC prospect includes 3.66 metres of 4.6 percent tungsten, which is a similar grade to F12-27 located about one kilometre away at the BN prospect that returned14.98 metres of 4.0 percent tungsten. These very strong tungsten grades occur quite frequently on the Fox property and attest to the strength and quality of this mineral system. To date, we have focused on just a portion of one target that is approximately three kilometres by one kilometre in dimension. Results clearly warrant advancing the project and we see an excellent opportunity for an important new tungsten deposit to be developed in British Columbia."

Hell ya I own HPY. I'd be nuts not to.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Why invest in BC's Sheslay region

Garibaldi is there and all signs point to more exploration. PGX is there and some of their NI 43-101 reveals some interesting facts about the geology. I might be taking more interest in Garibaldi and the regions itself. There is a third horseman out there prospecting and drilling. So maybe I write more about all of them.

Agora has started a discussion board for Garibaldi.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Remember Probe Mines

If you bought in when I mentioned them you made a lot of money. I was recently asked for a target price for this year. Since it's still in my top picks I was looking for $2.80 and got it. (Close)

Probe May 2013


Now I want to see it dip to about $2.40. Lower would be better.

Prosper Gold Corp Quesnel BC

Prosper Gold Corp Quesnel BC
www.prospergoldcorp.com Presentation

Go to the presentation. Then open the pdf for their NI 43. Locate the bits about the North discovery. Read. Look at map from above, see pg 14. Tell me this doesn't look like a three headed monster.

I little primer about the area www.mining.com/in-search-of-behemoth-porphyries-in-british-columbias-golden-triangle/

Notice who is drilling up in the Arch? Go to their sites and read the data. I have a friend who's been up their prospecting for decades. He brought a new company to me, the second one that's discovered minerals while building a forestry road. The new one is also near by. They exposed copper with a grader!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Here's my new pick for 2014 PGX.v

The chart show tax loss selling and full recovery. The main man behind it... none other than the former CEO of Richfield! Have a look at their project here in BC's north. Pay close attention to who's drilling beside them.

Chart forPROSPER GOLD CORP (PGX.V)https://www.google.ca/finance?chdnp=1&chdd=1&chds=1&chdv=1&chvs=maximized&chdeh=0&chfdeh=0&chdet=1391634000000&chddm=1173&chls=IntervalBasedLine&q=CVE:PGX&ntsp=0&ei=o3_yUpj9J-efiQKQMA

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Next 10 Bagger(s?) for 2014

Back after a long rest...

Yup, found something. Another back yarder with some serious potential. It's currently worth $15 million or so and trades light. It behaves like a low share count should. The two year chart beats like a heart. It doesn't have skeletons in the closet and has a clean 80% option on the properties. The team leading it is highly proven...you'd know them if I mentioned them.

The rocks have a long history but next to nothing done with it. Over the next week I will study the NI and possibly plan a field trip by air. Given the location the terrain becomes a factor in the pit design.

"narrow veinlets in relatively fresh diorite ... 11% Cu and 5.7 g/t Au"...

Now this could get exciting. It is about a 300 by 300 meter area of high interest. It is note worthy that it is situated in exactly the same type of rock as Red Chris. The supporting info reads like the Red Chris discovery. The surrounding areas where work has been done lead me to think there's a structure being revealed. Given what I know about their boss, he doesn't just go out there and try to get lucky.

There are holes extending less than 250 meters. Most of the work was by hand. There are maps of course. One area in particular was not amiable to an IP. They have core photos and two of those look almost identical to RC.

So, I will look at road costs, pit sizes, underground potential etc. The main zone with some drilling is on a pretty big slope. Another spot that could become explosive is under a rapidly receding glacier. The glacier is thin. I suspect they will be trenching right up to it this year. I also expect a 600m hole this year in a specific spot. Last year's 600m hole was encouraging and shows careful consideration to its placement. It was rewarded with a respectable result.

There are two other companies drilling like mad on adjacent properties. One just doubled its share price and I predict it will continue. I think these three amigos might out perform the market this year in a big way. The one I am really interested in has a 5 year investment timeline but will behave just like their last stock.

Stay tuned.