Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Happy Creek Minerals - More big news

This is a very large land holder who has proven over and over that he can get results. I'm impressed with how cheap David has managed to develop these properties. (See their financials). Today we get news on the Tungsten and as well, the new Abbott property that he got for a song. 
The vendor of the Abbott property was putting in roads and noticed green rocks. So on close inspection he realized it was copper. The next logical step was to show this to David Blann of Happy Creek. 
Of the 57.5 M shares outstanding 12% are held by an institution. In the last 3 months they bought almost another million shares. There's no short interest and the company has held up well despite all the dirty games being played by the regulators, TSX and the HFT's. (See articles on the death of the Venture Exchange). 

I expect HPY will make a nice discovery adding to their already good property. No one is going to notice this stock and it will remain cheap for a little while longer. But... What will happen is the results will reach a critical mass and the sp should go up. If it doesn't that hardly matters. 

What the average investor doesn't know is that Teck and Newmont and others have been eyeing the ongoings with increasing interest. They are not the only ones. The virgin Tungsten has envious eyes on it. What this means for us is cheap stock that suddenly pays a big payout. Once that happens it will attract the attention of the Johnny-come-lately's. That will create volatility for a while but their interest will wan. Then there will be another big payday and it will repeat. This is the beauty of this stock. It flies under the radar allowing us to take up big positions and should have a huge payout in 18-24 months.     

The Company has explored the Fox from an early stage. Outcrops, trenches and drilling have returned strong tungsten grades over considerable thickness that are at or near surface, and over a distance of three kilometres. 
On November 19, 2012, the Company announced final drill results including 19.4 metres of 0.82% W03 (tungsten trioxide) and 24.7 metres of 0.68% W03 in the RC prospect. 
Drilling located a km to the north returned 5.0 metres of 0.68% W03. A kilometre to the south of the RC prospect, F12-27 returned 4.1 metres of 1.78% W03, 14.8 metres of 4.08% W03 and 24.0 metres of 0.79% W03. 

If you are following the news on Woulfe and Malaga you know why I like Happy and Blackheath. 
The big advantage of Happy Creek is that the deposit is virgin.

During 2012, approximately 900 kg of drilled and "non-ex" blasted muck was collected from the BN, RC and BK trenches.  A composite sample used for test work averaged 1.04% W03, 0.27% zinc, 0.09 g/t gold, 1.58 g/t indium and 1.19 g/t silver.
David Blann, President and CEO of Happy Creek states: "We are learning more about the mineralogy and geology of the Fox tungsten skarn and the initial metallurgical characteristics are positive. More definitive results from phase 2 work is expected in about 10 weeks. We now have our 2013 exploration drilling permit in hand and anticipate advancing this new, near-surface and high-grade tungsten discovery".
The Company also reports that title of the Abbott property has been transferred 100% into the Company. Refer to news release dated June 5, 2012. The Abbott property adjoins the Company's West Valley property which adjoins Tecks Highland Valley copper property. During 2012 the Company completed an airborne magnetic and spectral survey on the West Valley and Abbott property, along with prospecting of newly constructed roads. Several new copper showings and historical trenches were located and sampled. Samples consist of Nicola Group volcanic and Guichon Batholith intrusive rocks. K-feldspar, quartz, epidote, sericite and kaolinite/clay occur with chalcopyrite-bornite copper minerals. The presence of these alteration and copper minerals are thought to be positive vectors for porphyry copper deposits. Sample 3593627 (1.5% copper) consists of epidote and magnetite rich volcanic rocks that appear similar to that found at the Craigmont mine, 15 kilometres to the southeast.
Pay attention to the above. 
The table below shows the results from scraping the bottom of trenches. When it's that good that close to the surface you're onto something. As a porphyry follower I'm up to speed on  what the descriptions mean. I can add this to my mental picture and to me it suggests that David has very good reason to acquire the 100% title. This is not a guess. He's not doing the work to create news for nothing but driving up the sp. That won't work in today's environment.

June 5 news highlight:
Happy Creek has acquired an option to earn a 100% interest in the Abbot property. The Abbot property consists of 2911 hectares (29.1 square kilometres) that adjoin the south side of the Company's West Valley property. Several weeks ago the Abbot property owner was prospecting these claims and noticed that very recent and on-going road construction, including blasting, had uncovered several zones of chalcopyrite and malachite (copper minerals). These new and encouraging copper showings occur in part within younger phases of the Guichon Batholith, believed to be Bethlehem, Skeena or Bethsaida, that host five major copper deposits to the north. The rocks appear to have variable propylitic, phyllic to argillic style alteration. This area also covers the southern extension of the Lornex fault, a key feature found at the Lornex and Valley mines to the north. The Company is pleased to have the first opportunity to evaluate these new copper showings. The West Valley and Abbot properties total approximately 124 square kilometres containing numerous copper prospects within a prolific and active mining camp.

So the road work appears to have stumbled on high grade results. When I say high grade I remind you we are talking surface dirt. This is what sparked the jump in price for Gold Reach. At GRV.v they noticed the wheels on the trucks were green!
2012 Abbott property rock sample results
 |Sample-ID|Easting|Northing|Cu %|Ag  |
 |         |       |        |    | g/t|
 |3593625  |636070 |5574000 |0.38|1.68|
 |3593626  |636013 |5573914 |0.09|0.38|
 |3593627  |638199 |5572157 |1.51|15.7|
 |3593628  |638147 |5572111 |0.45|2.24|
 |3593629  |638144 |5572126 |0.50|2.84|
 |3593630  |641228 |5571724 |0.43|0.55|
 |3593631  |638659 |5571085 |0.09|0.53|
 |3593632  |642268 |5573165 |0.08|0.55|
 |3593633  |638895 |5571952 |0.01|0.07|
 |3593635  |638669 |5571085 |0.55|1.45|
 |3593634  |638134 |5572116 |0.04|0.24|

We should note: To earn a 100% interest in the Abbot property, the Company must pay to an arm's length vendor a total of $15,000 in cash and issue 350,000 shares by May 30th 2013. The vendor retains a 0.5% Net Smelter Return (NSR), with the Company having the right to purchase the NSR for $1,000,000.
This does mean 350K was added to the sp float. The $15k is small and the vendor really sold it for the NSR. A nice payday when this becomes proven and sold.

On the Abbott property, the new copper showings together with a favorable geological setting and airborne geophysical results are positive additions to the Company's property in the Highland Valley area. Several priority areas are apparent and geological mapping and prospecting has commenced to assist in outlining future drill targets. As the Abbott property is now 100% owned by Happy Creek Minerals Ltd., it will be included within the West Valley property, totaling approximately 124 square kilometres in area.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
"David E Blann"
David E Blann, P.Eng.
President, CEO
David Blann, President, CEO
Corporate Office:
Phone: 604.662.8310 
Email: Info@happycreekminerals.com
Website: www.happycreekminerals.com
Registered Investor Relations:
James Berard Phone: 604-687-2768 Toll free: 1-877-459-5507

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Copper Fox Metals - Anger heats up as the silence continues

It's nearing the end of May and not a peep out of the company. Some investors call just to make sure the doors are still open. The tension is palpable. We know they are in talks with Teck over the Schaft Creek project and there's nothing to report that can be told over the phone. Still, investors expect to see a drilling plan or some money raised, anything but silence.

RabidTiger put it this way:

It looks like we might pass by the June 4 "deadline" without hearing anything from the company. Since we don't have a lot of good info, here are a few clues to watch out for:
Annual General Meeting
If Teck does decide to buy us out, we will need to vote on it at a meeting. We've got an upcoming Annual General Meeting that would be the perfect time to vote on a buyout. If Copper Fox thinks we might get bought out soon, it would be poor planning to have a standard AGM and then organize another special meeting afterwards for a buyout.
We will be notified of a meeting on Sedar as a "Notice of Meeting" followed with a Management Information Circular and Form of Proxy. The Form of Proxy will have the items we need to vote on. There is supposed to be 21 days between the Proxy and the meeting itself.
To summarize, it will be bad news if our Proxy info gets posted soon. This will indicate that it's "business as usual" and that Copper Fox doesn't expect a buyout any time soon (although a back-in is still possible).
Insider Buying/Selling
If the company is in negotiations the insiders will all be blacked out. If we see an insider buy or sell, this will indicate that discussions have terminated.
If Teck is buying us out, we won't need to raise any money. If Teck is backing in, we will need very little money to keep the company running. If we see a financing, it will indicate that Copper Fox doesn't think they will be getting Teck's help for anything. While some might be happy that we will get 100% of the property, I think this is very bad for us.
Drilling Program
As I have mentioned before, it will be a bad thing for us to announce a drilling program unless we know Teck's decision. We don't have any money and the latest PP proved that we are unable to raise any money. Without knowing our financial situation, it will be difficult to determine the size of a drilling program.
Environmental Assessment
Perhaps part of Teck's hesitation to make any decisions is because they want the EAA filed before they make any commitments. All progress on the EAA is shown on this website. The most recent filing is from December. It will be a good thing if we see some new filings because it means that progress is being made on the EAA. Anyone want to place any bets about the EAA being delayed? :)
So it looks like all the silence could be good news for us. Time to sit back and see where things go from here.

I have to agree with many of the points. Put what concerns a number of people is the idea that CUU is deliberately dumbing the news down and not actually following the contract.
This was recently posted by Explorationguy:
Some still insist that the share price doesn't matter, it's just pounds in the ground. Here's a quote out of this article from The Gold Report:theaureport.com 

" Duluth has a contract with Antofagasta Plc (ANTO:LSE), which owns 40% of the joint venture. Once the bankable feasibility study is completed, probably in two years, Antofagasta has the option to buy 25% of the Maturi project for a pro rata share of 1.0x net asset value (NAV), which will be determined by the bankable feasibility study. We've modeled it at a NAV 10% discount rate, $2.80 copper, and we get a value of over $2B for the deposit. That's $500 million ($500M) for the 25%, but Duluth is trading only at a couple of hundred million market cap. If I'm Antofagasta, I'm just going to buy Duluth, and then I get 60% for less than I can buy the 25% for. What I like most is that there's a catalyst that encourages Antofagasta buy Duluth much sooner. My target is $5. "

A couple of points here. One is this deal is 1X NAV and it confirms a point I tried to make on the AG site once. Even if the pounds in the ground was worth $ 10 billion it would be much cheaper for Teck to make a buyout offer for all of CUU shares at say a very generous 60% per cent premium, or about a $ 1.00/share or $ 430 MM. It reinforces the need to get our share price up with the usual methods like starting the 120 day clock, press releases etc.

This post was from the Silicon Investor site. Explorationguy has a point. Every other company out there beats the drum like crazy when they get even the slightest good news to put out but not CUU.

Next, the issue of where are the LIARD shares:

Many of us believe we have earned them but Metacommet cites:

Positive Feasibility Study on the Schaft Creek Project, BC, Canada, Effective date January 23, 2013, 114 days ago, has never been constructively delivered to Teck http://www.copperfoxmetals.com/i/pdf/Copper-Fox-Metals-Feasibility-Study-January-23-2013.pdf
Major points of concern
.....65 share price
....failure to invoke contract terms
...misrepresenting acceptance status of undelivered PBFS
...failure to initiate any action to support share price=get Liard shares 
...no official start of Teck 120 day review cycle=no relief from Teck claims, ever
...majority holder unable to liquidate due to position size
...majority holder at <0.30 average 
...no funding source other than said major holder for any ongoing requirements=single lifeline, when he's done so are we

Seems to me the whole game here is what does EE need

...and at that average, my hunch is he mostly needs to sell em all at once for a lot more than he paid

..the question is what is his "a lot more"

And I theorize the reason for our current, intentional, share price suppression is to keep the price down so that Teck can take EE out within a predetermined limit

...the ethical and legal argument being is it appropriate to ignore the interests of other stakeholders in order to achieve an optimum result for the majority shareholder

He has some valid points. I have tried to get official answers but couldn't get a single line to explain this. Instead, our conversation went along the lines of "why get pushy". Yes, I know we are dealing with a very old set of subclauses going back decades and some of the reporting rules were changed by outside forces.  Yes, our FS builder threw a major wrench in things. But, how about coming out with some statements to clear the air about where we stand?

Looking at how buyers view deposits does it not make sense to clear the air and set the company on the right path by getting the news out?

Both Teck and CUU expect to release news soon. But we've heard "soon" before. I think we should put out a drilling plan. I think we need to indicate where we will take this. A corporate update is appropriate.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

High Frequency trading - The Equedia Letter By: Ivan Lo

Equedia puts out a lot of really good stuff. Sign up today!
Here is an animated picture by Nanex that shows the growth of HFT:
(refresh page to start from beginning of animation)
High Frequency trading is a legal way to hack the stock market. Not only do these programs already make the majority of trades in the stock market, but their use is growing and they’re constantly evolving. Due to the inability to monitor and regulate the use of HFT, many risks exist. As long as that risk exists, hackers, thieves, and terrorists can gain control of our market and steal billions of dollars from our pockets.
HFTs are not only being used in the U.S., but everywhere around the world, including Canada. Sadly, regulations in Canada only add more support to the destruction of our market. An example of this is the “downtick rule,” which I’ll explain more about next week.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

When the price discovery function fails TSX.v Flops

"There are a number of ways to account for it, but this divergence between 'market prices' and real world supply and demand fundamentals is at the heart of a problem that is called 'the mispricing of risk.' "

No truer words have been spoken. This is one of the prime functions of the junior market. It's not supposed to be a rigged casino. It's funny that the TSX.v boss downplayed the current events citing that more people paid their fees than last year. Ok, sure they did but they can't raise money to do the work. We on the outside, can't get a consensus on the price because the game is rigged so we don't buy in. On top of that, anytime retail does invest or speculate then the price is driven down by machines and traders using loopholes to create fake shares or simply failing to delivery when a bid is made.

Again, I'm going to borrow some words. "These things run on momentum and bad behavior by some fairly powerful institutions and individuals. And there is a great deal of money to be made in the meanwhile, and a status quo to be protected.  Timing is problematic when trying to determine when a somewhat opaque control fraud is going to be forced to unwind.  They can remain pathological longer than you can remain solvent."

We only have to look at Ottawa to realize why these things are allowed. We have Duffy running for cover and our star journalist resigning from the senate under a fog of misconduct. So, what do we learn from this? As soon as you  get into a position like that you immediately fleece the system? I give the East some smack downs for voting for scandalous parties over and over. Do I have to point out that every time a party from the west gets in there's an airplane scandal? What are voters going to do? What will it take to get good government with no scandal or theft?

Perhaps the voters will take a page from BC and repeat the flip flops of the past by picking the best of the worst. Perhaps an NDP government. Lol.

But I digress. As an investor we don't have an option to vote. We can't even use our money to influence an outcome. What rule with they change next to allow the complete take over of the Venture by the banks?

It is true that brokers with deep pockets get big discounts to what the retail gets when a pp is offered. This is an unfair practice that has to stop. Those investors turn around and use those shares to abuse the share price. This is really noticeable when they want more shares to add leverage to the actions that will come at a later stage. We get punished hard for our support and this is another change that is required. I have not taken a pp because the offerings are not fair to me as a non-broker. The broker still gets a better offer.

What one poster said about this on the Venture Crisis Org site was that when everyone is going hat in hand for money that this really empowers the brokers to exploit them in extreme ways. So if you thought it was bad now just wait 2 quarters. There is a flip side to this. Companies will go private and they will be able to offer direct investment to the public under the old format. Us older dogs know this practice has been around for ever. I own private shares. I do not fear the safety of my money. Any private firm not willing to open it's books and grant full access is not worth investing in. Period.

If a small explorer offered to open its books to me I would go check the land and every detail of the financials and I would want to see the plan of action in the form of a prospectus.  You on the outside who do not know geology would be at a disadvantage. But, the company could point you to me and you could ask me what I thought. This is exactly what the TSX.v exists for and they have destroyed it. What we need to see is a revitalization of the old way of doing business with the modification of being able to list all the share holders.

If the old way was revamped using our modern technology the TSX could be bypassed completely. I would love to see some private company do a sophisticated attempts at it. Imagine what a company could do if the burn rate was substantially reduce from the office column and shifted into the work column. I would take mine the modeling and make that public but I would allow only the investors access to the controls. Unlike the guy who suggested doing it open access, I would not simply on the basis that bull boards are a verbal form of that consensus model and look where that gets you. A system like what I suggest would allow the presentation to range from worst to best. I think the time has come for this.

We need some software gurus who can invent this for us and put it online. Angel investor sites are good but this one would need the mining modeling stuff too.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Why I own Happy Creek Shares

David (CEO) keeps making smart decisions. He keeps hitting bit finds. He uses the money wisely. In the news release below you don't have to be a geologist to recognize the size of this find. From the minimal data you can see the strong trend and it's huge.

They will be mapping it out to determine the size of a mine that can be built. There enough historical mining that's still got a lot of high grade that you could rework those profitably. With modern equipment we can see what the old miners could not access. I'm familiar with the history and the geology. That gives me an edge concerning my confidence that David will find a major discovery.

This won't be a super mine. You should expect about a 15 LOM but an easy relocation to the next area. After all, why truck when you can simply pick up and move. It would be possible to used a belt transport system here. It's also possible to get a very high grade with an IRR approaching 65%.

Of particular note is the Indium. The sample shows a high concentration. 4.9 grams is very significant. It is an odd occurrence and something I will have to discuss with the company. It reminds me of the high Rhenium content on the other property. Why is it David keeps finding these rare metals? Is it just luck or or does this rock hound have a special nose?

Here's the report hot off the presses.

May 16, 2013 - Vancouver, British Columbia - Happy Creek Minerals Ltd. (TSX-V:HPY, the "Company") announces results from its first reconnaissance of the 100% owned Silver Dollar property.
The Silver Dollar property is approximately 46.9 square kilometres in area and located approximately 45 kilometres southeast of Revelstoke, B.C., Canada. The property is a consolidation of numerous, small, historical mineral claims within the Camborne gold-silver mining camp, including several past producing mines and developed prospects. Historically fragmented exploration as well as limited and shallow drilling is thought to provide opportunity for discovery of new deposits. The property covers over 9 km of a 40 km long trend that contains two dominant deposit types: gold-silver and lead-zinc-silver-gold. Road access is a positive feature of this property.
During 2012 the Company completed a Heli-GT, three axis magnetic gradient and spectrometer geophysical survey, and collected 38 grab and chip samples from surface and historical underground development. The known mineralized zones occur in structures that can be seen in the geophysical results. These and other sub-parallel zones extend through the property. Locally, very strong precious metals occur including samples containing 50.30 g/t gold, 216 g/t silver and 4.49 g/t gold, 4496 g/t silver. Important base metal results include 1.8 metres of 16.8% zinc, 3.9% lead, 1.67 g/t gold and 241.0 g/t silver in a chip sample.
2012 Silver Dollar Rock Sample Highlights
 |        |Ag    |Au   |Cu  |Pb  |Zn |
 |Sample #|g/t   |g/t  |%   |%   |%  |
 |E5631062|213.0 |7.56 |0.07|11.6|1.9|
 |E5631066|97.0  |36.20|0.15|0.4 |0.1|
 |E5631095|53.0  |40.70|0.12|1.7 |0.4|
 |E5631069|4496.0|4.49 |3.20|1.6 |8.3|
 |E5631071|2219.0|3.57 |0.82|18.1|4.4|
 |E5631074|15.0  |12.70|0.04|0.2 |0.5|
 |E5631078|687.0 |2.91 |0.09|16.0|0.1|
 |E5631084|985.0 |0.34 |0.07|27.0|0.0|
 |E5631086|216.0 |50.30|0.08|1.4 |0.8|
 |E5631092|60.0  |10.10|0.03|0.4 |0.1|
David Blann, President and Chief Executive Officer of Happy Creek states: "With our first evaluation we have confirmed that significant gold-silver and base metal values occur in or near large scale structures that cut through the property, over a distance of around nine kilometres. The large scale of the mineral system and high grades are encouraging. Our next steps are to continue compilation of historical data, and conduct detailed geology to assist in building geological models and selecting exploration targets."
Specifically, 2012 rock samples were collected from the Silver Dollar, Gillman and Wheelbarrow prospects over a distance of 3.5 kilometres. Samples were taken from mineralized quartz veins, quartz stringers and pyrite (iron sulphide)-bearing meta-sedimentary wall rock. The Company also identified the presence of the rare metal indium in concentrations up to 4.9 g/t that is thought to be the first mention of this metal in the Camborne mining camp.
2012 Silver Dollar Prospecting Rock Sample Results
 |              |      |     |Sample  |Ag    |Au   |Cu  |Pb  |Zn  |
 |Prospect      |Sample|Width|Number  |g/t   |g/t  |%   |%   |%   |
 |              |Type  | (m) |        |      |     |    |    |    |
 |Wheelbarrow   |Grab  |     |E5631062|213.0 |7.56 |0.07|11.6|1.9 |
 |Wheelbarrow   |Grab  |     |E5631063|369.0 |1.98 |0.05|22.5|0.3 |
 |Wheelbarrow   |Grab  |     |E5631064|6.0   |5.46 |0.00|0.1 |0.0 |
 |Gillman       |Grab  |     |E5631065|27.0  |37.00|0.08|0.7 |1.2 |
 |Gillman       |Grab  |     |E5631066|97.0  |36.20|0.15|0.4 |0.1 |
 |Gillman       |Grab  |     |E5631067|37.0  |2.79 |0.02|2.4 |0.4 |
 |Gillman       |Chip  |0.5  |E5631093|9.0   |2.09 |0.01|0.0 |0.1 |
 |Gillman       |Chip  |0.4  |E5631094|23.0  |8.42 |0.16|0.1 |0.4 |
 |Gillman       |Chip  |0.4  |E5631095|53.0  |40.70|0.12|1.7 |0.4 |
 |Silver Dollar |Chip  |     |E5631068|7.0   |0.78 |0.01|0.0 |0.3 |
 |Silver Dollar |Grab  |     |E5631069|4496.0|4.49 |3.20|1.6 |8.3 |
 |Silver Dollar |Grab  |     |E5631070|349.0 |1.74 |0.07|0.1 |2.5 |
 |Silver Dollar |Grab  |     |E5631071|2219.0|3.57 |0.82|18.1|4.4 |
 |Silver        |Grab  |     |E5631073|42.0  |0.47 |0.16|0.7 |0.5 |
 |Dollar-Gillman|      |     |        |      |     |    |    |    |
 |Silver        |Grab  |     |E5631074|15.0  |12.70|0.04|0.2 |0.5 |
 |Dollar-Gillman|      |     |        |      |     |    |    |    |
 |Silver        |Grab  |     |E5631076|567.0 |0.35 |0.06|13.2|0.0 |
 |Dollar-Gillman|      |     |        |      |     |    |    |    |
 |Silver Dollar |Grab  |     |E5631077|88.0  |0.18 |0.07|0.2 |2.3 |
 |Silver Dollar |Grab  |     |E5631078|687.0 |2.91 |0.09|16.0|0.1 |
 |Silver Dollar |Grab  |     |E5631079|706.0 |0.92 |0.06|18.7|0.0 |
 |Silver Dollar |Grab  |     |E5631080|99.0  |0.29 |0.18|0.8 |4.3 |
 |Silver Dollar |Grab  |     |E5631081|374.0 |3.51 |0.16|2.8 |0.7 |
 |Silver Dollar |Chip  |1.5  |E5631082|13.0  |0.22 |0.01|0.1 |0.0 |
 |Silver Dollar |Chip  |1.5  |E5631083|31.0  |0.45 |0.01|0.2 |0.0 |
 |Silver Dollar |Grab  |     |E5631084|985.0 |0.34 |0.07|27.0|0.0 |
 |Silver Dollar |Chip  |2.0  |E5631085|68.0  |1.58 |0.01|1.8 |1.5 |
 |Silver Dollar |Grab  |     |E5631086|216.0 |50.30|0.08|1.4 |0.8 |
 |Silver Dollar |Chip  |1.2  |E5631087|280.0 |0.94 |0.30|4.1 |16.1|
 |Silver Dollar |Chip  |1.6  |E5631088|61.0  |0.60 |0.00|0.0 |0.0 |
 |Silver Dollar |Chip  |1.8  |E5631089|241.0 |1.67 |0.24|3.9 |16.8|
 |Silver Dollar |Chip  |1.5  |E5631090|53.0  |0.71 |0.00|0.0 |0.0 |
 |Silver Dollar |Chip  |1.5  |E5631091|117.0 |0.27 |0.00|0.1 |0.0 |
 |Silver Dollar |Grab  |     |E5631092|60.0  |10.10|0.03|0.4 |0.1 |
The spectral and magnetic airborne geophysical surveys covered a nine kilometer long portion of the property. Positive potassium and in part thorium/potassium ratio signatures form a broad envelope around multiple northwesterly trending structures that are identified in the magnetic survey. These structures are coincident with mineral-controlling fault zones at several of the known prospects. Other structures are apparent from the data that are sub-parallel and oblique in orientation to the known mineralized zones.
The Camborne fault is part of an estimated 40 kilometre-long mineralized trend containing numerous past-producers and developed prospects. The large scale of the hydrothermal system and presence of locally very high grades are thought to be favorable conditions for developing quality mineral deposits.
Happy Creek is pleased with its' initial results from the Silver Dollar property. Historical data compilation and detailed structural geology mapping are planned. The work performed by the Company has extended the expiry date of the key mineral claims until 2015 or 2016.
The Company would also like to announce that it has extended the expiry date of 1,330,000 share purchase warrants from the original expiry date of May 14, 2013, to May 14, 2014. Each warrant is exercisable to purchase one common share of the Company at an exercise price of $0.35 per share. The warrants were issued in November 2011 in connection with a non-brokered private placement, non-flow through share financing with an original term of 18 months. Proceeds from any exercise of warrants will be used to continue to fund exploration activities and for working capital purposes.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
"David E Blann"

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Death Bed Conversion - BC Liberals Win Big

Well, there you have it folks. A historical milestone for the electorate of BC. After nearly a half century of cutting off their own noses they finally saw the light. Yes, both major parties are outhouses. One is over full and the other is out of paper. Now we can get back to business.

The first house cleaning that's required: BC-liberal-government-pushed-for-expedited-temporary-foreign-work-permits

Yup, right on the heels of a political victory comes the baggage from only months past. In the above article the Liberals have been caught red handed pressing for expedited TFW (Temporary Foreign Worker permits). Perhaps that should be WTF. The scandal deepens as CBC and others discover that those workers were charge hefty fees to get here: http://thetyee.ca/Conservatives-on-Mining-Investigation/.

And then, the galling facts start to creep in. The Jobs plan is an advertising campaign designed to hide what's really going on.
But perhaps the most blatant example of the betrayal by this government on the critical issue of jobs has been its role in promoting the use of temporary foreign workers in British Columbia. Today, our province is breaking Canadian records for growth in the use of foreign workers — more than 74,000 — while at the same time more than 200,000 British Columbians are struggling to find a job and thousands cannot get the training they need. http://blogs.theprovince.com/2013/05/09/jim-sinclair-the-terrible-truth-about-the-b-c-liberals-b-c-jobs-plan/

At some point the people of BC have to stand up for themselves. They sort of just did but will there be follow up? For those who don't know, there has been a huge investment in the Liberal party since 2005. What these investors need is stability more than anything else. They don't need a scandal plagued government.

Corporate donors pumped $46 million into the Liberal Party coffers between 2005 and 2012.
There’s B.C. mining behemoth Teck Resources, at No. 1, which gave $1.7 million.
The New Car Dealers Association of B.C. was the second-largest contributor, giving $822,814.
Oil and natural gas giant Encana, based in Calgary but with extensive B.C. operations, provided $791,270 in third spot.
B.C.-based forestry giant West Fraser at No. 4, gave $656,325, and global miner Goldcorp contributed $565,700 in fifth spot.
In total, corporate donors accounted for about 60 per cent of the $76 million collected by the party in the eight-year period.

Looking across the explorer landscape reveals that the conditions for finance have not changed. What has changed for BC is the green light just came on. Don't get too excited yet. The finance window is not going to open. So who and how are the questions of the day. CXO makes a nice discovery and the stock shoots up but will it stay there? Watch as it get walked down. Some HFT will surely turn on the computer and begin milking it. Another huge drill result may bring another spike but the end will be the same. As soon as they start the infill drilling and news is not as exciting the downward pressure will set in and people will be robbed.

What has to happen is the companies headquartered here need to be traded here. Screw the TSX.V. This exchange is dominated by Toronto. These are the same people who voted against the wishes of the West just to control the elections despite taking it over a barrel repeatedly. They too continued down this path even after they lost all their manufacturing. Only now as the hole is being filled with dirt did they finally realize what their arrogance bought them, utter obscurity. Yeah Toronto!!! Idiots, Arrogant idiots.

Remember this:
Hopkins mulls on what may occur if nothing is done. He lists two main possibilities: the TSX-Venture will be reduced “to insignificance” in less than five years; and the banks will control virtually every part of the financial business given that they aren’t participants in the venture business. In other words, “say goodbye to the public venture market,” said Hopkins.

Hopkins and others presented their findings to Flaherty, so did I. The results? Nadda, nothing, zip. What did you expect. He's in on the fleecing too. Of the three monkeys he is hear no evil. So it looks like nothing is going to change. Flaherty wants the banks in control.

In the coming months we will see a sorting of sorts as private capital moves in to the scene. I think equity will be the way of the future and pure exploration will die off. Yup, this is going to cause compression. In this recent article the facts look dismal: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kitconews/2013/05/14/low-mining-exploration-getting-into-uncharted-territories-intierrarmgs-hinde/

A lot of the media are suggesting “Strategic alliances are growing more important in these markets and possibly finding some folks who have got money, like venture capitalists or the Chinese as they’re well aware that their cash is worth a lot at the moment”. This is exactly what is wrong, the funders are too greedy. If you thought dilution at a few pennies a share was bad... A new way of valuation is required.

I refer you back to previous articles where I expanded on why the market is being destroyed and who and what is behind it. Now, you can expect an explorer to issue billions of shares. Yes, billions. The point of forcing explorers into this absurd position is so that HTFs can hide in the volume. Snakes like tall grass.

I think you will see a large number of delistings just so that the companies can crowd source funds. I'm sure we are going to see this movement towards web funding. Once retail investors get a taste of success this new way of raising funds will take off. I think the TSX and their cadre  are playing a bluff and are about to lose. Once one single success becomes known you will see a staking rush so to speak in the arena of online funding.

I will be one of the people behind this movement. It's time to punish the guilty. You know who you are.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

NDP - Good for BC??? Are You Joking

Someone I consider a friend posted:

For those wondering about where NDP stands in their views on mining in this province.
From BC NDP response to VoteMining survey (www.votemining.ca)
Adrian Dix and the BC NDP strongly believe that BC’s future prosperity is linked to a strong and diversified economy. The wealth and jobs created from our natural resources support every British Columbian, urban and rural, and the public services we all count on.
Mining has been a key part of BC’s history and will remain so under the BC NDP. Adrian Dix will listen and will support a strong, environmentally sustainable mining industry that creates good jobs. Our plan includes streamlining the work permit process, continuing the mining flow through share tax credit, and maintaining support for geosciences.
The BC NDP will work to ensure BC’s mining sector remains competitive and will maximize BC’s trade and exports by developing a coordinated trade strategy that adopts international best practices and includes regional and sector-specific trade goals.
The BC NDP will improve mine development opportunities by enhancing the Environmental Assessment process so certification decisions are reached in a timely manner. We will renew and strengthen the environmental assessment process to ensure BC will have rigorous, science-based environmental standards, real and meaningful consultation with First Nations, and efficient timelines.
The BC NDP will invest in the modern and green economic infrastructure that we need to efficiently move people and goods within North America, to the Asia-Pacific, and around the world. An NDP government will continue with projects that are currently underway and will ensure local and regional economies will benefit from government infrastructure investment by expanding project agreements on publicly funded construction projects.
Economically and culturally vibrant First Nation communities are critical to BC’s future and to meeting the challenges ahead. The BC NDP will work with First Nations and our natural resource industry to build strong partnerships and a strong economy.
The foundation of the BC NDP platform is a sustainable, diversified economy that creates new opportunities, good jobs, and a strong middle-class. The BC NDP plan achieves this by focusing on the fundamentals like the stability of our tax system, and the skills and ingenuity of our workforce.
An NDP government will work with industry to develop and invest in mining-related training at BC’s post-secondary and training institutions. We will also work with the industry to better anticipate future labour needs so we are giving British Columbians opportunities to train for good jobs in the mining sector.
For more info contact Stikine BC NDP candidate Doug Donaldson
250 842-0123, 250 847-1861, doug.donaldson@bcndp.ca
Some mining-related commitments from the BC NDP 2013 Platform (www.bcndp.ca for full platform)
Promote and support sustainable mining and exploration (page 28)
* Encourage mineral exploration by ensuring an average 55-day turnaround for Notice of Work permits, extending the mining flow through share tax credit, and maintaining support for Geoscience BC.
* Improve mine development opportunities by enhancing the Environmental Assessment process so certification decisions are reached in a more timely manner.
* Strengthen operating mines by investing in mining-related skills training programs.
Provide economic stability and certainty (page 3)
* Maintain tax competitiveness and show clearly how we will pay for commitments, with no HST-like surprises.
* Renew BC’s trade and export strategy by developing a coordinated approach with regional and sector-specific goals.
Increase number of skilled workers (page 3)
* Improve BC’s skills training and apprenticeship system for students and employers by creating more spaces, improving completion rates and times, and investing in modern training equipment.
* Develop new, targeted programs to increase the participation of Northern residents, First Nations people and women in trades training.
Guarantee high environmental standards and best practices (page 41)
* Renew and strengthen the environmental assessment process to ensure BC will have rigorous, science-based environmental standards, real and meaningful consultation with First Nations, and efficient timelines.

Looks pretty much like a carbon copy of the last time they were around. I'm surprised you posted this. You were around the last time this was published. I'm hearing different things. Not quite what the Sun published: 
But definately along these lines.
Anyone who is not using the much stricter old format enviro could face serious challenges. Perhaps that's why we've added duties and continue under those rules? Three months before BC Benefits was introduced by the Harcourt government, a protracted conflict began with the elements of the province's environmental movement. Harcourt's Peace in the Woods pact which brought together traditionally warring environmental groups and forest workers' unions began to collapse when Harcourt's cabinet exempted an environmentally-sensitive area of Vancouver Island, Clayoquot Sound, from its province-wide mediation process for land-use conflicts, CORE (the Commission on Resources and the Environment).
Remember what happened to forestry the last time this was written: Renew BC’s trade and export strategy by developing a coordinated approach with regional and sector-specific goals.
All the small guys got crushed out of business. They also wiped out the value added industry by a number of levies and restricted cuts. While this will be good for WF sized companies it's the ugly head of an Oligopoly. In Quesnel one of the companies wants into a protected area because it used up what it was given in the good stuff. They won't get it. That forest needs management or it will probably burn. Remember the town on the island whos water shed got logged by chain? These are the kinds of ideas we can expect. And don't forget the miles and miles of coastal property being destroyed and not reforested because they want to sell ocean fron lots. That's an old NDP hang over.
* Renew and strengthen the environmental assessment process to ensure BC will have rigorous, science-based environmental standards, real and meaningful consultation with First Nations, and efficient timelines.
This one is modified somewhat. I don't buy the real part. If you were around in the old days you remember the protests. This is a flat out lie. They do not support negotiations at all. They never have. It's good that a lot of the work done is enshrined in law and would be very hard to roll back or we'd have a lot more friction. This touched off logging road blockades in which over 800 people were arrested and alienated of some key environmental leaders such as David Suzuki and Colleen McCrory who shifted their support to the Green Party in the 1996 provincial election.
Remember Child Poverty and Welfare? Well, here are the facts:
Whereas Harcourt's first two years in government were characterized by a notably social democratic policy agenda, the government took a dramatic turn to theright in 1993 with Harcourt's famous province-wide televised address in which he lashed out against "welfare cheats, deadbeats and varmints". This speech inaugurated a set of draconian welfare reforms enacted between 1993 and 1995 similar to those adopted by new Progressive Conservative provincial governments elected in Alberta and Ontario in the same time period. These cutbacks were, in part, a reaction to a dramatic reduction in federal transfer payments by the federal Liberal government of Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and concommitant repeal of the Canada Assistance Plan bill of rights which included a right to food and a right to shelter. Unlike the reforms of the Harris and Klein governments, the BC Benefits package of cutbacks and restrictions in social assistance eligibility was bundled with a childcare bonus paid to low- and medium-income families.
$20, really? That's going to lift kids out of poverty? What beat down will come with it? Perhaps you don't remember how crime soared during this period. This was not just a reaction to Alberta buying bus tickets to BC and Chretien. It was an embarrassing time in our history and set up the current poverty levels.
 You know people, all this stuff is online. You need a history lesson if you believe any of the crap these people spout.
Although low in the polls for much of his term in office, Harcourt and his newly-appointed Attorney-General Ujjal Dosanjh succeeded in regaining substantial public support by taking a hard line against a fringe aboriginal group's occupation of a farmer's field in the Cariboo region of the province. The Gustafsen Lakesiege, led by Dosanjh became the largest-scale police operation in BC history, in which armoured vehicles provided by the Canadian military were used by the RCMP for protection. The military strongly rejected attempts by the RCMP to have them take over control of the situation, and ultimately it remained a police operation. Anti-vehicle mines were deployed and thousands of rounds of ammunition were shot at protesters.
However, less than 72 hours before a planned election call, with the BC NDP riding high in the polls for its hard line against welfare recipients and aboriginal and environmental radicals, the party's provincial office was raided by Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officers as part of an ongoing investigation of illegal use of charity bingo money, coined "Bingogate" by the media, by former provincial cabinet minister and member of parliament Dave Stupich. Although Harcourt was not implicated in either the raid or the probe and was later fully exonerated, he resigned nevertheless and the party was led into the 1996 provincial general election by Glen Clark.
Exonerated my arse. Dix back dated memos and people took his blame and their got their legal bills paid for and by and large nothing happened to anyone. Clark got looked after with a plum job and all was well in the political world. And don't even get me started on the cover ups by Dosanjh. That's another history lesson.
Mark my words well. When they get in this Province is in big trouble. Let's all revisit this next year so I can laugh at you.